CABI Tourism Management and Research Series Series

Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations

December 2016
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  • Publisher
  • Published
    19th December 2016
  • ISBN 9781780647357
  • Language English
  • Pages 208 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.5"
  •    Request Exam Copy

Visitor management may be considered as a component of destination management at all levels of a destination. It involves a wide range of stakeholders. This book demonstrates current knowledge on visitor management.

Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations provides insight into critical concepts such as the visitor experience, service quality, the uses of indicators and frameworks, and interpretation. It also addresses current issues including the social and political dimensions of visitor management, the implementation of monitoring, vandalism and augmented reality.

Authored by leading international researchers in the field of visitor management research, this book is primarily aimed at researchers and postgraduate students.

Key Features:
· Considers critical concepts and influential factors in visitor management.
· Illustrates current issues in visitor management.
· Research-based case studies contribute to an overall understanding of core issues.
· Covers the state-of-the-art in guiding and interpretation.

PART I: Introduction and Foundation
Chapter 1: Introduction to Visitor Management in tourism Destinations
Chapter 2: Destination Management and Visitor Management: Non-convergent Literatures but Complementary Activities and Issues
Chapter 3: Meeting the Challenge of Managing Visitor Experiences at Tourism Attractions
Chapter 4: The Social and Political Dimensions of Visitor Management: Rural Home-based Accommodations

PART II: Critical Concepts in Visitor Management
Chapter 5: Indicators and Standards-Based Visitor Management Frameworks in Achieving Sustainability at Cultural Heritage Sites
Chapter 6: Managing Nature-Based Visitors’ Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Future Behaviour Intention
Chapter 7: The Relevance of Visitors’ National Park Affinity for Effective Visitor Management in Protected Areas

PART III: Current Issues in Visitor Management
Chapter 8: Visitor Monitoring in the Tapajós National Forest, Brazil
Chapter 9: Tourist Behaviours, Vandalism and Stakeholder Responses
Chapter 10: Augmented Reality Application in Museum Visitor Experiences

PART IV: The State of the Art in Guiding and Interpretation
Chapter 11: Strategies for Successful Interpretation Techniques in Visitor Attractions: The Operationalization of Guided Tours in Museums
Chapter 12: Using Heritage Interpretation to Manage Film-induced Tourism at Heritage visitor Attractions
Chapter 13: Theories of Learning and their Application in Interpretation
Chapter 14: Critical Reflections on the Role of Interpretation in Visitor Management

PART V: Conclusion
Chapter 15: Current Knowledge and Future Research Directions in Visitor Management

Julia N. Albrecht, PhD

Dr. Julia N. Albrecht is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism at the Department of Tourism, University of Otago, New Zealand. Her research interests include tourism management and strategy, visitor management, guiding and interpretation, and nature-based tourism. Julia’s work has been published in leading journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and International Journal of Tourism Research. She is the editor of Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations, published by CABI. Current projects investigate the management of New Zealand’s ecosanctuaries, as well as the implementation of sustainability in destination management in New Zealand and Austria. Julia is a co-editor of the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism as well as on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.