Biotechnology in Agriculture Series Series 16

Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants

November 1996
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    1st November 1996
  • ISBN 9780851991108
  • Language English
  • Pages 416 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

Ornamental plants include herbaceous plants produced as bedding plants, greenhouse pot plants and cut flowers, as well as bulbs, trees, shrubs and vines. Ornamental plant production is of major and increasing importance worldwide. Basic scientific research in recent years has provided a better understanding of plant regeneration, genetics, growth and development. This has led to the development of technologies which can significantly improve ornamental species.

This book reviews recent advances in the biotechnology of ornamentals. For example, genes have recently been identified for flower characteristics and pest resistance and these have been engineered into ornamental species. The book is divided into four main parts and is written by authors from the USA, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. It is aimed primarily at workers in horticulture and plant biotechnology, but will also be of interest to plant physiologists, geneticists and molecular biologists.

R L Geneve

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John E Preece

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Scott A Merkle

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