Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem

February 2003
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  • Publisher
  • Published
    12th February 2003
  • ISBN 9780851996332
  • Language English
  • Pages 448 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

Currently there is great concern about over-fishing and the effects of fisheries on other marine organisms. This book addresses ecological and environmental issues associated with responsible and sustainable marine fisheries. It includes 20 chapters developed from an international conference and concurrent symposium held in Iceland in October 2001. Contributors include leading international authorities from around the world. Contents include: global overview of marine capture fisheries, legal protection for marine ecosystems, dynamics of marine ecosystems, the role of man in marine ecosystems, and incorporating ecosystem considerations in fisheries management.

Part I: Introductory Reviews 1.Global overview of marine fisheries Serge M Garcia and I de Leiva Moreno, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
* 2.Obligations to protect marine ecosystems under international conventions and other legal instruments Transform Aqorau, South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Solomon Islands
* 3.Incorporating ecosystem considerations into fisheries management: Large-scale industry perspectives Bernt O Bodal, American Seafoods Group LCC, Seattle, USA
* 4.Small-scale fisheries perspectives on an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management Sebastian Mathew, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), Chennai, India
* 5. An environmentalist's perspective on responsible fisheries: The need for holistic approaches Tundi Agardy, Sound Seas, MD, USA

Part II: Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems
* 6. Ecological geography as framework for a transition toward responsible fishing Daniel Pauly, Reg Watson and Villy Christensen, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
* 7.The functioning of marine ecosystems Philippe Cury, Oceanography Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Lynne Shannon, Marine and Coastal Management, Cape Town, South Africa and Yunne-Jai Shin, IRD Centre de Recherche Halieutique Méditerranéenne et Tropicale, Sète Cedex, France
* 8.Food webs in the ocean: Who eats whom and how much? Andrew Trites, Marine Mammal Research Unit, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
* 9.Regional assessments of prey consumption and competition by marine cetaceans in the world Tsutomu Tamura, Ecosystem Section, The Institute of Cetacean Research, Toyko, Japan
* 10. Multi-species and ecosystem models in a management context Gunner Stefansson, University of Iceland, Science Institute, Iceland

Part III: The Role of Man in Marine Ecosystems
* 11.Multiple uses of marine ecosystems Andrew Rosenberg, College of Life Sciences, University of New Hampshire, MA, USA
* 12.Impacts of fishing gear on marine benthic habitats Michel J Kaiser, University of Wales Bangor, UK, Jeremy S Collie, University of Rhode Island, USA, Stephen J Hall, Australian Institute for Marine Science, Queensland, Australia, Simon Jennings, The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft, UK and Ian R Poiner, CSIRO Division of Marine Research, Queensland, Australia
* 13.The magnitude and impact of by-catch mortality by fishing gear Robin Cook, FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, UK
* 14.The effects of fishing on species and genetic diversity Ellen L Kenchington, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Canada
* 15.The effects of fishing on non-target species and ecosystem structure and function Henrik Gislason, University of Copenhagen, c/o Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Charlottenlund, Denmark
* 16. Anthropogenically-induced changes in the Environment: Effect on fisheries Katherine Richardson, Institute of Biological Sciences, Department of Marine Ecology, Aarhus, Denmark

Part IV: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations in Fisheries Management
* 17.The performance of fisheries management systems and the ecosystem challenge Jon Sutinen and Mark Soboil, University of Rhode Island, Coastal Institute, USA
* 18.The role of harvest control laws, risk and uncertainty and the precautionary approach in ecosystem-based management Douglas Butterworth, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa and A E Punt, University of Washington,Seattle, USA
* 19.Modifying fishing gear to achieve ecosystem objectives John W. Valdemarsen, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy and Petri Suuronen, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, Helsinki
* 20.Incorporating ecosystem objectives into management of sustainable marine fisheries, including 'best practice' reference points and use of Marine Protected Areas Keith Sainsbury, CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania, and Ussif Rashid Sumalia,University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
* 21.Governance for responsible fisheries: An ecosystem approach Michael Sissenwine and Pamela M Mace, National Marine Fisheries Service, MA, USA
* 22. Towards ecosystem-based fisheries management FAO staff

M  Sinclair

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G  Valdimarsson

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