The Economics of Livestock Disease Insurance

Concepts, Issues and International Case Studies

March 2006
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  • Publisher
  • Published
    23rd March 2006
  • ISBN 9780851990774
  • Language English
  • Pages 288 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

In recent years, the livestock sector has been hit by a number of high-profile diseases, such as BSE, Foot and Mouth Disease and Avian Influenza. These have had a devastating economic impact on livestock producers and the broader livestock industry. One key response has been a growing interest in livestock disease insurance. However there is a need for greater understanding of private incentives, market impacts, and public policy perspectives on regional, national and international levels, if livestock insurance products and complementary risk management programm are to be developed.

This book provides a balanced and broad-ranging overview of the economics of livestock disease insurance. It covers both general issues and specific case studies drawn from the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, focusing on specific issues. The book is unique in addressing this subject and will interest readers in agricultural business and economics, veterinary science and the livestock sector.

* Economics of Livestock Disease Insurance - Principles,Issues, and Worldwide Cases
* The Role of USDA-APHIS in Livestock Disease Management within the US

* The Role of Public Policy in Controlling Animal Disease
* Incentive Compatibility in Risk Management of Contagious Livestock Diseases
* Insurability Conditions and Livestock Disease Insurance
* Issues Associated with US Livestock Disease Compensation in the 21st Century
* Data Requirements for Domestic Livestock Insurance
* Public and Private Schemes Indemnifying Epidemic Livestock Losses in the European Union: A Review
* Designing Epidemic Livestock Insurance
* The German System of Compensating Animal Keepers in
* Cases of Outbreaks of Animal Diseases
* Managing the Risks and Impacts of Animal Diseases in the Australian Livestock Sector
* Livestock Industry Insurance: Canada
* The Current State of US Federally-Supported Livestock Insurance
* Livestock Disease Eradication Programs and Farm Incentives: The Case of Bovine Tuberculosis
* Economic Impacts of Eradicating Scrapie, Ovine Progressive Pneumonia, and Johne's Disease on US Sheep, Lamb, Sheep Meat, and Lamb Meat Markets
* Understanding Broader Economic Effects of Livestock Insurance and Health Management: Impacts of Disease
Outbreak on Allied Industries
* US Livestock Industry's Views on Livestock Disease Insurance
* Modeling the Impact of Compulsory Foot and Mouth Disease Insurance in the European Union
* Investigating the Feasibility of Livestock Disease Insurance:
* A Case Study in US Aquaculture

Stephen R Koontz

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Dana L Hoag

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Dawn D Thilmany

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John W Green

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Jennifer L Grannis

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