Sustainable Diets

Linking Nutrition and Food Systems

January 2019
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    31st January 2019
  • ISBN 9781786392848
  • Language English
  • Pages 280 pp.
  • Size 6.75" x 9.6"

This book takes a transdisciplinary approach and considers multisectoral actions, integrating health, agriculture and environmental issues to comprehensively explore the topic of sustainable diets. The team of international authors informs readers with arguments, challenges, perspectives, policies, actions and solutions on global topics that must be properly understood in order to be effectively addressed. They position issues of sustainable diets as central to the Earth's future. Presenting the latest findings, they:

- Explore the transition to sustainable diets within the context of sustainable food systems, addressing the right to food, and linking food security and nutrition to sustainability;

- Convey the urgency of coordinated action, and consider how to engage multiple sectors in dialogue and joint research to tackle the pressing problems that have taken us to the edge, and beyond, of the planet's limits to growth;

- Review tools, methods and indicators for assessing sustainable diets;

- Describe lessons learned from case studies on both traditional food systems and current dietary challenges.

As an affiliated project of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Program, this book provides a way forward for achieving global and local targets, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition commitments. This resource is essential reading for scientists, practitioners and students in the fields of nutrition science, food science, environmental science, agricultural science, development studies, food studies, public health and food policy.

Section 1: Grand Challenges
1: Sustainable Diets: a Bundle of Problems (Not One) In Search of Answers
2: Sustainable diets: the Public Health Perspective
3: The Challenges of Sustainable Food Systems – Where Food Security Meets Sustainability – What Are Countries Doing?
4: Climate Change, and Sustainable and Healthy Diets
5: Biodiversity loss: We Need to Move from Uniformity to Diversity
6: Agroecology and nutrition: Transformative Possibilities and Challenges
7: Indigenous Food Systems: Contributions to Sustainable Food Systems and Sustainable Diets
8: Can Cities - from the Global South - be the Drivers of Sustainable Food Systems?
9: Consumer Level Food Waste Prevention and Reduction Towards Sustainable Diets

Section 2: Sustainable Diets: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
10: Attaining a Healthy and Sustainable Diet
11: Highlighting Interlinkages Between Sustainable Diets and Sustainable Food Systems
12: Understanding the Food Environment: the Role of Practice Theory and Policy Implications
13: Sustainable diets: Social and cultural perspectives
14: Nutritional Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
15: Assessing the Environmental Impact of Diets
16: Sustainable Diets and Food-Based Dietary Guidelines
17: Costs and Benefits of Sustainable Diets: Impacts for the Environment, Society and Public Health Nutrition

Section 3: Moving Forward
18: The 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme as a Multi-stakeholder Platform for a Systemic Approach
19: The Med Diet 4.0 framework: A Multidimensional Driver for Revitalizing the Mediterranean Diet as a Sustainable Diet Model
20: Traditional Foods at the Epicentre of Sustainable Food Systems
21: Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): A Legacy for Food and Nutrition Security
22: Sustainability Along All Value Chains: Exploring Value Chain Interactions in Sustainable Food Systems
23: Sustainable and Healthy Gastronomy: Betting on Sustainable Diets
24: How Organic Food Systems Support Sustainability of Diets
25: Institutional Food Procurement for Promoting Sustainable Diets
26: Renewing Partnerships with Non–State Actors for Sustainable Diets
27: Decalogue of Gran Canaria for Sustainable Food and Nutrition in the Community
28: Ten Years to Achieve Transformational Change: The United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025
29: Towards a Code of Conduct for Sustainable Diets

Barbara Burlingame

Barbara Burlingame is at Massey University, New Zealand.

Sandro Dernini

Sandro Dernini is with Forum on Mediterranean Food Cultures, Italy.