Modular Texts Series Series

Turfgrass Physiology and Ecology

Advanced Management Principles

February 2011
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  • Publisher
  • Published
    10th February 2011
  • ISBN 9781845936488
  • Language English
  • Pages 235 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images 71 illus
  •    Request Exam Copy

In order to face new challenges and unique situations in turfgrass management, students need to understand why specific management practices work and how to adjust them based on plants' requirements. Explaining the physiological needs of turfgrass plants, this advanced textbook outlines the management techniques that help supply those needs. Chapters discuss a range of practices and methods to cope with stress under both normal and less than optimum conditions, providing the decision-making tools for improvement based on changing environmental conditions. This textbook presents a unique perspective of both science and practical management principles that will be applicable to all turfgrass sectors.

1. Diagnosing Plant Need
2. Managing Plant Stress
3. Encouraging Photosynthesis
4. Carbohydrate Assimilation
5. Why C3 and C4 Grasses require different Management
5. Management Practices and Plant Physiology
6. The Importance of Light and managing Shade
7. Adjusting Nutrition to the Environment
8. Managing Water and Water Stress
9. Adjusting for Temperature Stress
10. Soil and Sand
11. The Ecology of Turfgrass Management
12. Managing Competition among Plant Species
13 Managing Competition among Turf and its Pests
14. Making the right Decisions

Gregory E. Bell

Gregory E. Bell is at Oklahoma State University.