Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series Series 1

Water Productivity in Agriculture

Limits and Opportunities for Improvement

August 2003
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    6th August 2003
  • ISBN 9780851996691
  • Language English
  • Pages 368 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

*First title in a major new series
*Addresses improving water productivity to relieve problems of scarcity and competition to provide for food and environmental security
*Draws from scientists having a multitude of disciplines to approach this important problem

In a large number of developing countries, policy makers and researchers are increasingly aware of the conflicting demands on water, and look at agriculture to be more effective in its use of water. Focusing on both irrigated and rain-fed agriculture, this book gives a state of the art review of the limits and opportunities for improving water productivity in crop production. It demonstrates how efficiency of water use can be enhanced to maximize yields.

The book represents the first in a new series of volumes resulting from the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, a research program conducted by the CGIAR's Future Harvest Centres, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and partners worldwide. It will be of significant interest to those working in areas of soil and crop science, water management, irrigation, and development studies.

* A Water productivity framework for understanding and action
* Economics of water productivity in managing water for agriculture
* The concept of efficiency in water resources management and policy
* Rice production in water-scarce environments
* Managing saline and alkaline water for higher productivity
* Water productivity under saline conditions
* Opportunities for increasing water productivity of CGIAR crops through plant breeding and molecular biology
* Management of drought in ICRISAT cereal and legume mandate crops
* Water productivity in rain-fed agriculture: challenges and opportunities for smallholder farmers in drought-prone tropical agro-ecosystems
* World water productivity: current situation and future options
* Improving water productivity in the dry areas of West Africa and North Africa
* Efficient management of rainwater for increased crop productivity and groundwater recharge in Asia
* Water productivity in forestry and agroforestry
* Water productivity and potato cultivation
* Rice-wheat cropping systems in the Indo-Gangetic plains: Issues of water productivity in relation to new resource - conserving technologies
* Land-and water productivity of wheat in the Western Indo-Gangetic plains of India and Pakistan: A comparative analysis
* Reform of the Thai Irrigation Sector: Is there scope for increasing water productivity?
* Upscaling water productivity in irrigated agriculture using remote-sensing and GIS technologies
* Improving water productivity through deficit irrigation: examples from Syria, North China Plain and Oregon, USA

Jacob W Kijne

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Randolph Barker

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David J Molden

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