Global Supply Chains, Standards and the Poor

How the Globalization of Food Systems and Standards Affects Rural Development and Poverty

February 2007
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    22nd February 2007
  • ISBN 9781845931858
  • Language English
  • Pages 320 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"

Using original research from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America this book reviews the recent restructuring of the global agri-food industry and the dramatic rise of global retail chains in developing and transition countries. It focuses on the private standards and requirements imposed by multinational companies investing in these countries and the resulting changes to existing supply chains. It also examines the impact of these changes on local producers, particularly poor farmers, and considers the long-term policy implications in terms of growth and poverty.

Globalization of Private Standards and the Agro-food System, Public and Private Food Quality Standards: Recent Trends and Strategic Incentives, The Costs and Benefits of Compliance with Food Safety Standards for Exports by Developing Countries:The Case of Fish and Fishery Products, The Dynamics of Vertical Coordination in Agri-Food Supply Chains in Transition Countries, Trade Liberalization and Rent Distribution in Vertically-Related Markets, Contracting, Competition, and Rent Distribution in Supply Chains: Theory and empirical evidence from Central Asia

PART II: EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON CHANGES AND EFFECTS Growth in high-value agriculture in Asia and the emergence of vertical links with farmers, Small Traders and Small Farmers: The Small Engines Driving China’s Giant Boom in Horticulture, Quality Control and the marketing of non-staple crops in India, LATIN AMERICA, Supermarkets and Small Horticultural Product Farmers in Central America, AFRICA, Global supply chains, poverty and the environment: Evidence from Madagascar, High-value supply chains, food standards and rural households in Senegal, THE FORMER SOVIET UNION, Transformation and contracting in the supply chains of the former Soviet Union: Evidence from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia Vertical Integration in Russian Agriculture, CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, Restructuring market relations in food and agriculture of Central Eastern Europe: Impacts upon small farmers, The impact of retail investments in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and the Russian Federation, Vertical coordination in the dairy sector : A comparative analysis of Romania, Slovakia

Global supply chains, standards and the poor: Implications for government policy and international organizations, The role of the public and private sector in commercializing small farms and reducing transaction costs, Building capacity for compliance with evolving food safety and agricultural health standards, Public Sector Initiatives to Facilitate Small Farmer Access to International Marketing Chains: Lessons from Marketing Assistance Programs in Armenia

Johan F. M. Swinnen

Johan F. M. Swinnen